Herald Radio launches Aug 5th - Jeff Katz and Michael Graham signed up

Alan Tolz atolz@comcast.net
Mon Jul 29 15:44:27 EDT 2013

Jerry would do shows in the early-mid '80s where he'd ask for 'younger women 
only or under 30's only'as callers...not just sex survey shows, either.  He 
was trying to show agencies that young people listen to talk radio on 
AM...he'd do pop culture surveys and the like, but at the end of the day, 
the audience, while cuming 500,000+ at its peak on WRKO in the diary era, 
was 50% A 55+...
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sean Smyth" <ssmyth@psualum.com>
To: "Donna Halper" <dlh@donnahalper.com>
Cc: "Boston Radio Group" <boston-radio-interest@lists.BostonRadio.org>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: Herald Radio launches Aug 5th - Jeff Katz and Michael Graham 
signed up

> Donna wrote: "But hooking up a speaker and plugging the phone into a 
> charger ... "
> It's not even that complicated. Example: 
> http://www.amazon.com/iHome-Speaker-Clock-Radio-iPhone/sim/B001L9KMTI/2. 
> And yes, there are cheaper makes/models available, this was the first one 
> that came up on a Google search.
> Here's what it takes for me to stream through my phone.
> 1. Open app.
> 2. Navigate through app and do what I need to do. It's more difficult than 
> punching up a radio preset, but not much.
> 3. Insert phone into dock.
> 4. Listen.
> Donna also wrote: "but will older listeners (who are the main consumers of 
> angry talk radio) find it convenient to use their smart-phones to listen? 
> Most of the research I've seen says there's a real generation gap in who 
> uses phones (be they iPhones or Androids) to listen to music and news."
> This is the real question. Part of the older audience, IMO, has been the 
> AM factor. Only "old" people listen to AM, the reasoning of some goes. 
> (I'm 34, so I'm getting close to that territory!)
> Could the same have been said 30 years ago about talk radio? I'm curious 
> what the demos were for Gene Burns and Jerry Williams on WRKO in the early 
> '80s.

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