1570 & 1580 AM Skywave?

Kevin Vahey kvahey@gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 23:40:51 EDT 2013

1570 is French but plays a lot of English oldies.

Montreal is a strange market - CHOM believes 70% of their audience is
French but BBM won't count Francophone listeners. CKGM has the same

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr.
<walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1570 is a French station, but I forget the calls.. and 1580 is CKDO.. but I
> forget where it's from.
> On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Don <Donald_Astelle@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Late Night I am hearing Oldies on both 1570AM and 1580AM (Clearance
>> Clearwater Revival, "How Long" by Ace, etc.)
>> Anyone know what I might be hearing in the Boston suburbs at night?
>> Thanks!

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