Jen Brien gets WBZ (AM)'s overnight and Louise Morgan query

A Joseph Ross
Tue Jul 2 01:01:19 EDT 2013

On 7/1/2013 7:50 AM, Bob Nelson wrote:

> In a similar sense, why did Mr Bittner grab the call letters WJIB for 
> 740? The "Memories"
> station has been using memorable call letters from the past...

I've long wondered about that.  The music he plays isn't all that much 
like the old WJIB (FM), and I've occasionally known people who weren't 
interested in listening to his station because they thought it was the 
same.  I once heard him mention on LTAR that, at the time, the WCAS call 
was also available, and I thought that had he become WCAS, he might have 
gotten some people to at least give a listen to his station who might 
not have otherwise.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.| 92 State Street| Suite 700| Boston, MA 02109-2004

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