Rhode Island names and other odd naming conventions

Kevin Vahey kvahey@gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 13:46:30 EDT 2013

I went years thinking Rumford and Riverside were separate town but they
are actually parts of East Providence.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:37 PM, John Francini <francini@mac.com> wrote:

> Having just driven that stretch of I 95 in NJ:
> I 95 branches off in Delaware; the road becomes I 295 until after the
> bridge over the Delaware River, where the NJ turnpike begins. I 95 heads
> through Philadelphia and joins the NJ turnpike some 70 miles after the
> border.
> It used to be discontinuous, but I think the designations in NJ/PA got
> fixed around the same time that 128 picked up the I 95 designation.
> John
> --
> John Francini <francini@mac.com>
> "I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace;
> that two are called a law firm; and that three or more become a Congress.
> And by God I have had *this* Congress!" --John Adams
> On Apr 5, 2013, at 12:01, Bob Nelson <raccoonradio@gmail.com> wrote:
> > (Radio related): When visiting Chicago in the 90s I heard radio traffic
> > reports for "the Edens", "the Eisenhower" and "the Kennedy". It would be
> > helpful to know, for outsiders, which interstates, etc. they meant! And
> if
> > you're not from Pittsburgh you have no idea what the Parkway East or
> > Parkway West is, etc. In our area we know of "the gas tanks" (off Central
> > Artery) and "the jughandle light" (Rt 1, Peabody).
> >
> > There were plans to put I-95 right through what's called "the southwest
> > corridor", connecting with the central artery, then going up through
> > Revere/Saugus/Lynn
> > (you can see the exit to nowhere on US 1 in Revere) as well as an I-695
> > that would have been an inner loop (another exit to  nowhere off of
> I-93).
> > It was pressure from NIMBYs and BANANAs (not in my backyard, build
> > absolutely nothing anywhere near anything) that killed off these
> projects.
> > My Dad would say Gov Sargent had something to do with it, "yeah, 'put
> Sarge
> > in charge' was his slogan".
> >
> > Route 128 pops up in Jonathan Richman's "Roadrunner" and the Dave Dinger
> > Ford ad jingles, etc. And while I-95 is supposed by unbroken I think it
> > "disappears" in favor of the N.J. Turnpike

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