A Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Sun Oct 21 00:10:35 EDT 2012

On 10/8/2012 4:15 PM, stouges3@comcast.net wrote:

> i know that people had radios but they had no clock radio maybe thats the reason  but you still get that tone at the top of the hour foe cbs radio network news . use to be on from the yop of the hour to 6 min past each hour  not its the top  of each hour to 3 min past eash hour can you give me any help?

I always thought the tone was in order to set your watch.  I began 
setting clocks by the WBZ tone back in high school, and I still do.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.|92 State Street|Suite 700|Boston, MA 02109-2004

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