40 years ago - Boston became a 2 newspaper town

Scott Fybush scott@fybush.com
Tue Jun 19 09:45:10 EDT 2012

On 6/19/2012 1:35 AM, A Joseph Ross wrote:
> On 6/18/2012 1:25 AM, Kevin Vahey wrote:
>> Joe - my Dad worked for WHDH-TV - the studio being built on Morrissey
>> Blvd was a direct cannon shot at the Globe.
> That still depended on business considerations, such as the availability
> of the land at a price that made business sense. And since the Herald
> Traveler plant (the present Herald plant) was nearby, it's not clear to
> me that the location wasn't chosen more for its proximity to the Herald
> Traveler than to the Globe, as delicious as the proximity to the Globe
> might have been.

Morrissey Boulevard isn't all THAT close to One Herald Square; certainly 
not close enough to easily enable any real "synergy" between the paper 
and the broadcast operations, had that word been in vogue back in 1960. 
Nor is it the most logical spot for a broadcast operation for other 
reasons - I doubt there was line of site to either the TV/FM site in 
Newton or the AM site in Needham, and the traffic even in 1960 must have 
been pretty nasty.

I suspect the sort of evidence our esteemed moderator is seeking - what, 
an internal memo stating "We are moving to Morrissey Boulevard to thumb 
our nose at the Globe across the street"? - would never have existed to 
begin with, and 50-plus years out we don't have the actual people who 
did the move available to us to talk about it. The closest we're likely 
to get would be secondhand; say, the son of someone who worked there and 
who talked about it at the time, and even if it's not the sort of 
evidence that would be admissible in a court of law, we're not lawyers 
or judges here, anyway...well, the poster at the top of this message 

Which is to say, I'm inclined to trust Kevin's story on this, with only 
the smallest grain of salt, if any.


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