WGBH World To WGBH-TV 2.2

Laurence Glavin lglavin@mail.com
Sat Apr 7 13:56:25 EDT 2012

Bulletin, bulletin! I don't know if there's any significance to this, but later this month, WGBH World will move from
 WGBX 44.2 to WGBH 2.2. My big-screen cable-connected HD TV is in my living room, but I sometime
 use an older analog CRT set in my kitchen/dinette to watch some programs while eating munchies, thus
 letting my cat continue possession of the barcalounger a little while longer. The analog set is connected to
 a government-subsidized digital-to-analog box, so I watch WGBH-TV via channel 19 DTV/channel 2 virtual,
 also WBZ-TV channel 30 digital/channel 4 virtual etc. (BTW, Scott this week mentioned that a Cleveland TV
 station had trouible being received in HD on channel 2, and thus eventually did better when it switched to UHF.
 Must be a problem with low-numbered VHF, because where I live 30 miles north of Boston, NH stations broadcasting
 on channels 9 and 11 come in with solid, reliable signals while some UHFs along route 9 and 128 west of Boston
 do not, possibly due to directional antennas. Channels 30, 42 and 43 are also solid and reliable; 18, 31, 32 and 41, not
 so much. Fortunately, 19, 30 and 43 are the only ones I care about...I watch anything on ABC on channel 9).
 I'm especially likely to watch my old analog TV on Friday nights at 7:00 for channel 2/19's "Beat the Press"
 program, then I click channel-up twice to watch *"Jeopardy" on channel 4/30. In the past, as I moved from
 WGBH channel 2.1 thru 2.2 to WBZ-TV 4.1, there would be two images of WGBH-TV, presumably in HD and
 standard, then WBZ HD would come in. Last night, WGBH 2.2 displayed a message that WGBH World would soon
 appear on that channel. It's now one of four, or maybe 5(?) signals transmitted by WGBX-TV 44/43. Does this
 mean a new channel will be added to over-the-air WGBX? WGBH World is on Comcast channel 209 and I occasionally
 watch or record programs on it. I assume that won't change. If WGBH adds a new channel to 44/43, where would
 Comcast put it?

 *(Oh and speaking of "Jeopardy", the winner Friday night might have been the first contestant with the same name as
 a search engine, Bing Hao. I doubt in all the years "Jeopardy" has been on, there's been an Alberta Altavista or
 Norman Netscape, although there HAS been a mainframe named Watson.)

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