Merry Christmas

A Joseph Ross
Sat Nov 12 14:35:09 EST 2011

On 11/11/2011 5:01 PM, Donna Halper wrote:

>    The war on Hanukkah continues!  Is it my imagination, or are 
> stations and retail stores flipping to Christmas music earlier and 
> earlier?

Well, I say this every year.  Sometime back in the 1950s, I saw 
Christmas decorations in a department store around Halloween and 
remarked on it.  I was told that they were rushing it this year.  Every 
year we seem to think it starts earlier and earlier, but if it really 
did start earlier and earlier, since I first heard the remark in the 
1950s, we would now be starting
next year's Christmas season.  It only seems earlier and earlier.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                     617.367.0468
92 State Street, Suite 700          Fax: 617.507.7856
Boston, MA 02109-2004

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