Jay Dunn...Put the coffee on

Paul Hopfgarten paul@derrynh.net
Tue Mar 8 00:31:04 EST 2011

Maybe the same reason TBS used to start all their shows at :05.......to keep 
the people tuned in(?), so they wouldn't stray to other stations...

-Paul Hopfgarten

-----Original Message----- 
From: Doug Drown
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 11:08 PM
To: =?utf-8?b??= ; Glenn and Judy Spatola
Subject: Re: Jay Dunn...Put the coffee on

You are indeed correct.
BTW:  Does anyone know why 'BZ, during the Sixties, began and ended its
daytime programs on the half-hour rather than the hour?  I always
thought that was peculiar.   -Doug

Quoting Glenn and Judy Spatola <gjspatola@q.com>:
> I know I'm a couple of weeks late on this (I've been on vacation), but I 
> am
> absolutely certain that it was Jay Dunn who closed his show on WBZ by
> saying: "Put the coffee on, honey.  I'm comin' home."
> Glenn

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