Most expensive thing I ever won from a radio station

Richard Chonak
Tue Jul 26 23:06:37 EDT 2011

Back in the '70s I won a few prizes from shortwave broadcasters for 
participating in listener quizzes:

Deutsche Welle gave me prizes on two occasions: first, an LP of 
Beethoven works (from Deutsche Grammophon); and later a Grundig portable 
shortwave receiver, which was a nice step up from my Toshiba set.  To 
spare me having to pay duty on it, they shipped it through diplomatic 
channels, so it arrived about a year after the quiz.

Also, Radio Canada International once gave me a C$5 coin from their 
1973-1976 Olympic series (now worth about $25 if I can find it).

But I was just thrilled to have my name mentioned on the air from a 
transmitter somewhere across the world.


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