is the list still alive???

Dale H. Cook
Wed Jan 12 04:18:48 EST 2011

At 12:05 AM 1/12/2011, Garrett Wollman wrote:

>I might also have commented on
>the reappearance of "The Woodwright's Shop", a hand-tools-only
>woodworking show produced by UNC-TV in North Carolina, and wondering
>how it was able to survive when Norm Abram's "New Yankee Workshop"
>went out of production in 2008.

It is probably a simple matter of economics. The New Yankee Workshop 
depended upon underwriters for support, and shut its doors when that 
support waned. The North Carolina public radio and TV stations are 
licensed to the University of North Carolina and are state funded.

Dale H. Cook, Contract Engineer, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA 

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