Fybush: Willcox selling WNSH to Costa-Eagle

Bob Nelson raccoonradio@mail.com
Tue Jan 4 12:42:06 EST 2011

 Salem NH would prob qualify as being in the Merrimack Valley at least, one thing he asked about.
And technically Nashua NH's WGHM 900 would also be in English (sports). Usually when I think
"Merrimack Valley" I think of MA between Lowell and Newburyport but technically it could also
include Salem, Nashua, maybe even Manch. & Concord NH



Dan  wrote:

Depends on whether you count 1110, which is licensed to Salem NH and I 
believe now has the WCCM calls, as being on the North Shore. Unless 
there has been a recent format flip, 1110 is Costa-Eagle's only 
station that programs in English. 1490 is now WCEC and programs in 


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