a question about unreliable old technology

Kevin Vahey kvahey@gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 12:01:17 EST 2011

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Cohasset / Hippisley
<cohasset@frontiernet.net> wrote:
> There were doubtless completely separate issues associated with the "portable" equipment used for "remotes", but I won't go there....:-)

I remember one doozy that WMUR had with a minor league baseball game.
Channel 9 had a bare bones remote unit and around 1970 they entered
into a contract with the Manchester Yankees baseball team. So the plan
was to televise the game and use a backup STL link from Gill Stadium
to Mt. Uncanoonuc. Incredibly it never occurred to anyone that the
backup STL was on the same frequency as the main one.

Another big cause of a technical difficulties slide going up was loss
of signal from AT&T Long Lines. We would use our trusty Conrac OTA
tuner to get an ABC signal from channel 7 at least once a week.

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