WBZ-TV History and Where Are They Now?

Dave Tomm nostaticatall@charter.net
Tue Jul 13 08:55:56 EDT 2010

I grew up in Colchester and never had a problem receiving Channel 8.   
We had the rooftop antenna with a rotor, which really was a must  
there, and got a ton of stations.  But, it made channel surfing  
difficult.  CBS and NBC (later FOX) in Hartford, ABC in New Haven, PBS  
repeater in Norwich, and 26 in New London meant you most likely had to  
turn the rotor whenever you changed the station.  Plus, our set had a  
decent tuner, so we were often able to pull in 38 and 56 out of  
Boston, the VHF's from Providence, and Channel 5 from NYC.  There was  
always something on to watch, but you often had to fight for it.....

-Dave Tomm

On Jul 13, 2010, at 6:48 AM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:

> I know from where I lived in Connecticut... Colchester to be exact,  
> then
> WTWS 26 came in the best because it was RIGHT down the road.. but a  
> very
> very close 2nd was WTIC 61 and right behind them was WVIT 30.. those  
> 3 had
> the best TV signals in my house. Channel 8 was kinda iffy.
> I didn't get great signals from any Rhode Island stations either.
> Keep in mind I was using just a set top antenna.
> Paul Walker

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