Would Clr Chnl take a Boston AM to talk?

Donna Halper dlh@donnahalper.com
Sun Jan 3 11:34:25 EST 2010

At 10:00 AM 1/3/2010, raccoonradio@mail.com wrote:
>This was a little while back, filling in for Michele McPhee at 
>night--back in August. He was mentioned on a blog concerning Boston 
>talk radio and when his name came up I did a search and found him 
>mentioned as someone who filled in for Schultz regularly.

Norm still fills in for Ed periodically.  He did so as recently as 
three weeks ago, and I assume he will do so again.  Norm is a 
successful attorney who is now following his dream and trying to do 
progressive talk fulltime.  I have known him for a while and he's a 
really good guy, so we will see if he can actually make a living 
doing talk, or if he will have to return to being the "senior legal analyst."   

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