WRKO drops Coast to Coast for Howie re-runs (1200 coming..)

raccoonradio@mail.com raccoonradio@mail.com
Tue Feb 9 11:58:09 EST 2010

 Someone on Save WRKO mentioned that Coast is Coast is gone from WRKO. Sure enough, a look at the WRKO webpage shows that the Fried Clam Man--in re-runs--will be on instead

Tuesday, February 9
Start       Finish       Program
12:00AM         1:00AM         Jerry Doyle
1:00AM         5:00AM         Howie Carr
5:00AM         5:30AM         Wall Street Journal This Morning


No doubt this may have to do with Clear Channel starting WXKS AM 1200 on April 1. Premiere, a Clear
Channel division, syndicates Coast to Coast, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck. Supposedly RKO has a deal to run Rush till 2012 but who knows, that could end early.

It's a safe bet 1200 will debut with Beck, Hannity, and Coast to Coast at the very least

WABC NY and KABC LA have dropped CTC too, in favor of Citadel's new Doug McIntyre show

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