30 Years Ago Tonight

John zymrgist@comcast.net
Thu Dec 9 13:51:59 EST 2010

I was on the air at WCGY in Lawrence that night and
reported first that John had been shot and later, that he died.
The next morning, I flew to NYC and joined the mourners
at the Dakota building.  Did some reports from there and
ran into David Peel (of 'I Like Marijuana' fame and an acquaintance
of John's).  I interviewed him.  Still have the tapes from that day.
John Lee

> The murder of John Lennon was one of the biggest news stories of our 
> lives.
> ESPN put this together including unaired booth chatter between 
> Howard Cosell
> and Frank Gifford. Cosell did not want to air it and Gifford said 
> "we have
> to." 

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