Fundraising drive on commercial radio WIZZ-1520 (Greenfield, MA)

Don A
Thu Sep 17 01:31:17 EDT 2009

> <<On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 00:56:40 -0400, "Don A" <>
> said:
>> I have to disagree garrett.  Maybe in metro Boston....but in the burbs
>> outside 128, NH and here in VT...there are lots of dead spots.
>> It's getting better...but in my experiene there are still a lot of dead
>> spots...and the public would never put up with trying to 'radio' that way
>> in
>> it's current state.
> The population in those places is not all that significant to start
> with, and is becoming less so every year.  Most of "the public"
> doesn't live in rural areas any more.

My brother is in Burlington Mass and cannot get service at his home. There
are places in and around Nashua that always drop calls.  For some reason
whenever I take the exit in Marlboro Mass....I get a dropped call.  These
are not quite rural.

Looking at all the complaints generated by WRKO's signal nulls....I can't
imagine the public putting up with unreliable signals trying to get their
radio over existing cell phone service.

I'm sure it's going to get better...but it's a ways off to get it reliable
enough to start replacing radio.

>I get a full Sprint Signal on 91 as far as Newport then start roaming
> on Bell Quebec.

It seems like they have a priority to cover the major highways pretty well.

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