Larry Weil kc1ih@mac.com
Tue Nov 24 14:59:36 EST 2009

At 11:21 AM -0600 11/24/09, Kevin Vahey wrote:
>BTW in Illinois they make a big deal over US 66 which is no longer
>official and I wonder why it was decertified given the history.

What drives me crazy when driving around Chicago is that all the 
traffic reports on the radio refer to the highways by the names which 
the natives use, yet my maps and the signs mostly use the interstate 
highway numbers.  You'de think that with my sister living in the area 
for the last almost 30 years and me visiting mostly annually that 
I'de have the names figured out, but that is not yet the case.

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH

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