WCVB - new source of revenue

Ric Werme ewerme@comcast.net
Sun May 24 13:07:41 EDT 2009

> http://bostonherald.com/business/media/view.bg?articleid=1174220&srvc=business&position=4

> Simply put, WCVB would sell discount time (during the morning Eye Opener
> news) to local cities and towns to have have a town/city official (police
> officer, school administrator, etc.) read a promotion for Partnership for A
> Drug Free America.

This smells to me of a federal grant to towns for doing something about
discouraging drug use, a non-profit seeing a source of funds, and a plan
to assist (for a fee) towns to put on such spots.  Town wins, non-profit
wins, TV station wins, kids ignore the spot, federal taxpayer foots the
bill.  Typical SNAFU?

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