Digital TV Conversion

Bob Nelson
Fri Jun 12 13:43:14 EDT 2009

Yes; I didn't see the actual nightlight of WCAX/3 (though I heard the audio of Ch 6 New Bedford later) but when I
was in VT (President's Day weekend I believe) there was a feature on the Ch 3 news showing a map (and also they said
it would be on their site) outlining areas in green or orange depending on whom would not get the new signal, or who

>>many of their 
analog viewers wouldn't be able to receive the digital signal.

Unless they got cable or satellite...
On the map some areas in nearby Addison County or maybe even Chitteden County itself were out of luck.

There were Vermont postcards years ago (maybe still around) that showed a (big) satellite dish in someone's back
yard. Caption: "Vermont's Official Flower" :)

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