WBZ cuts Leveille, Cuddy, Dyett, poss. Desmarais

Larry Weil kc1ih@mac.com
Sun Jan 4 11:04:33 EST 2009

At 2:59 AM -0500 1/4/09, Garrett Wollman wrote:

>More to the point, for an AM antenna to be even remotely plausible, it
>has to be much larger than the current generation of portable audio
>devices.  (Think iPod Nano -- a few millimeters thick, a few square
>centimeters in area at most, and all of that taken up by the logic
>board.)  These things can contain FM tuner because the headphone cord
>is just long enough (about 1/8 wavelength) to act as a usable antenna
>in the 3-meter VHF band.

Many cars use antennas of that length for both AM and FM, so it can 
be done.  But, the question is, do they want to do it?  Do enough 
people who buy portable music players also want to listen to AM to 
make it worthwhile for the manufacturers to design it into their 

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH

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