Michael Savage vs The Fairness Doctrine

SteveOrdinetz hykker@wildblue.net
Thu Feb 26 19:01:58 EST 2009

dlh@donnahalper.com wrote:
>Regarding the false claim that Rachel Maddow's numbers are 
>"tanking," the Los Angeles Times from yesterday tells a different 
>story:  Keith Olbermann's numbers are up 32% over a year ago this 
>time, and Rachel's are up over 122%.  Further, Rachel continues to 
>score close to or slightly ahead of Larry King on a regular basis, 
>so I don't know where this idea that her show was doing badly came from.

Growth percentages mean nothing.  It's like a station that had a .1 
share last book comes in with a .3 share this book.  Yeah, they've 
tripled their audience, but they're still a nobody in the market.
Do we have any hard #s?

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