WBZ was HD2

Eli Polonsky elipolo@earthlink.net
Sat Feb 14 01:03:21 EST 2009

> From: "Jeff Lehmann" <jjlehmann@comcast.net>
> Hmm, WODS's HD signal did not even come on the air for 
> the first time until a couple weeks ago. "The Cove" seems 
> to be very repetitive, and is very similar to WMJX's format. 
> Hopefully this is just temporary, because it would be nice 
> if they would air older oldies, as was originally the plan.

WODS may have a reason for going with a "soft AC" format on
the HD-2. WMJX has been WODS' main competition for a couple
of decades (WROR is less so, due to their lower ratings, and 
it hasn't been around as long in its classic hits format).

IF HD ever catches on, perhaps WODS may be hoping to take
a piece of the "soft AC" pie from main competitor WMJX by
offering commercial-free HD-2 competition, and erode WMJX's
ratings lead over WODS a little bit for their main channels.

It would make more strategic sense than offering an HD-2 
for the demographic that sponsors consider too old ('50s
and early '60s oldies), though that would have been the 
one I'd have listened to. I won't be listening to "The 
Cove", but I'm 52 years old, which is already considered 
to be a demographic geezer.


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