Red Sox return to WEEI

Bob Nelson
Wed Aug 26 10:35:22 EDT 2009

>>Right now the big 
gaping hole is Southern New  Hampshire....and Bob's mailroom....

Indeed. Last night I treasured hearing them on WRKO one last time. We have a huge building and where I usually
am, sorting letters, has one section near a wall where WEEI comes in pretty well and another section where it's
marred by interference, etc. Then in the back of the building is the sorting area for packages where WRKO comes in OK-- IF
aided by a mini-FM transmitter--and WEEI, pretty much not at all. WBOQ does come in on a walkman, if you stand in one
spot and hold the walkman a certain way. The management, who would like to see me move around as I throw packages into
sacks, frowns on me staying in one spot...

But there is a chance some of us, perhaps all, may be moving to the South Postal Annex in Boston. Having a longer commute
would be bad but I might pick up the Sox games better.

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