Letter/number nicknames, and "rounding off"...

Shawn Mamros mamros@MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 4 10:57:35 EDT 2008

>I never understood why Oldies changed it from Oldies 103 to the much 
>more cumbersome Oldies 103.3...

I suppose, if all of their listeners have tuners that are as old as
the music the station plays, it wouldn't be an issue...

Actually, my oldest tuner (circa 1984) is a digital one, and it
can tune in 103.0 - on which it gets dead silence.  103.3 comes
in great on it, though.  Out of the nine different types of tuners
we own (both home and car), only one is analog - a Tivoli Audio PAL
(only three or four years old, but its designer, the late Henry Kloss,
apparently insisted on an analog design).

-Shawn Mamros
E-mail to: mamros -at- mit dot edu

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