Spam: WCBS Newsradio 880 in HD, FM that is!

Garrett Wollman
Fri Oct 3 01:40:03 EDT 2008

<<On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 01:33:54 -0400, "A. Joseph Ross" <> said:

> So what happens when you're listening to HD-3 and it loses the HD-3 
> signal, but still can get the HD-1 or HD-2 signal?

"Can't happen".  The "HD2" and "HD3" programs are digital data streams
carried alongside the "HD1" on the same carrier.  There are different
modes to the system which affect how much bandwidth is available, and
programmers can choose the bandwidth they want to allocate to HD2 and
HD3 (but not HD1) services.  (Usually it's either 64+32 or 48+48 --
the choice will depend on the sort of programming aired.)  This can be
varied over time as programming changes.


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