A. Joseph Ross joe@attorneyross.com
Thu Mar 27 00:24:41 EDT 2008

On 26 Mar 2008 at 19:15, Bill O'Neill wrote:

> It would be great to see those old newscasts again. Just for yucks. 
> The manual weather maps. One Boston channel had their maps on a
> three-sided structure that rotated and had 'stops' when a map was
> facing front. Once, the guy gave it too hard of a spin and it passed
> the next map and kept right on going.  

Sometime circa 1950, channel 4 had a meteorologist by the name of Dr. 
James Austin.  His weather map was a blank map of the US printed on a 
large tablet of paper, and he used dark colored chalk or charcoal to 
draw in the weather systems and temperatures.  Each day, he would 
first review yesterday's map briefly, then turn the page to "today's 
map" and begin drawing in today's weather systems.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 92 State Street, Suite 700                   Fax 617.507.7856
Boston, MA 02109-2004           	         http://www.attorneyross.com

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