digital converter box -- surprising performance

Stu Brennan
Mon Jun 16 14:39:50 EDT 2008

I hope to keep my POTS line as long as I can.  In the city, power
outages may be brief, but out where I live, along the southern side of
495, we had the power out for a week after the hurricane in '84.  More
recently, we've had outages of a large fraction of a day from winter
weather, power company equipment failures, or the small tornado that
came through my neighborhood a couple years back.  Power may have been
out, but the phone worked, or was back on the air much sooner than the
power.  And the puny batteries they're putting in some cell phones these
days only last a couple days, so if the power is out and you're snowed
in or something, you are out of luck.



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