WMEX is Gone

Don A
Tue Jun 3 02:45:09 EDT 2008

>> While we can lament the format change of another station to religious
>> programming there is no getting around the fact that it is highly
>> profitable for the license holder.

I believe this is an oft-repeated fallacy.

I have known people who have worked for Salem and other religious outlets.

Many of them know how tough it is to make their stations work.

>> Organizations can tell their followers they need more money to spread
>> the word and the station owner happily sells the time.

The "followers" don't part with their money that easy.  Conservatives are 
rather tight fisted with their money.

There are only a few "stars" in religious broadcasting, personalities and 
messages that make people send their $15 & $20 checks...but most of them are 
struggling to cover airtime.

There are also less and less people buying airtime on religious stations. 
As the Billy Grahams, & Oral Roberts die off....there aren't many new 
preachers replacing them.

The old adage about a struggling station "getting religion" and solving all 
their problems is often touted by those of us that work in commercial spot 
sales...but ask anyone in a religious's not a panacea. 
(....although it may have been at one time.)


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