Music Till Dawn on WEEI

A. Joseph Ross
Sat Feb 23 22:34:58 EST 2008

On 23 Feb 2008 at 19:28, Scott Fybush wrote:

> And here's a bit of oft-forgotten trivia: NBC almost did a deal with
> RKO General in the early sixties to acquire WNAC AM-FM-TV. I think RKO
> would have ended up with WRC AM-FM-TV in Washington in exchange.

I remember reading about that in the paper.  It came about the same 
time that WHDH-TV switched from ABC to CBS.
> Had that happened, WNAC would have become an NBC O&O. One wonders what
> would have happened to WBZ-TV - would Westinghouse have automatically
> gone with the #2 network, CBS? Or would the company, which fancied
> itself (not without cause) to be a network unto itself, have
> considered affiliating with ABC, which would probably have been much
> more tolerant of the frequent pre-emptions for local programming that
> Westinghouse was wont to do?
With WHDH-TV just signed on as a CBS affiliate, the speculation in 
the Boston papers at the time was that WBZ would become an ABC 
affiliate.  I think I wrote a humorous program about it, which may 
have been published in the high school newspaper.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 92 State Street, Suite 700                   Fax 617.507.7856
Boston, MA 02109-2004           

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