DTV issues

A. Joseph Ross
Mon Dec 8 16:59:51 EST 2008

On 8 Dec 2008 Sid Schweiger wrote:

> For only as long as analog cable exists, and its sunset is only a few
> years away at most.  RCN has already killed analog cable here in
> Brighton (as we found out the hard way, since no one bothered to let
> us know in advance), and the rest are sure to follow.  Since the
> CableCard standard turned out to be a monumental flop, when your cable
> system decides to abandon analog, you'll need to put a cable box in
> front of every TV and recording device you have. 

I watch everything through the cable box anyway.  I also have the VCR 
Rabbit, a device they were selling back in the 80s and early 90s 
which sends the VCR output down the line to another TV over a very 
thin wire.  It even allows you to use the remote at another location. 
When the VCR isn't being used, the VCR output is the cable signal.  
It's perfectly legal, and it allows me to watch TV or VCR at any of 
three locations.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                   617.367.0468
92 State Street, Suite 700            Fax: 617.507.7856
Boston, MA 02109-2004 

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