when analog TV signals end

Kevin Vahey kvahey@gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 15:06:51 EDT 2007

CBS 2 , NBC 4, ABC 7 would make perfect sense on a national scale

Fox could either use 11 (LA) or 5 (NYC)

I guess what I found curious about the WBZ rebranding is how the
number 4 has completly vanished from the logo.

On 7/5/07, marklaurence@mac.com <marklaurence@mac.com> wrote:

> Wouldn't it be worth it for all the broadcast networks to get together and
> agree on a single channel number for all their affiliates?   It would be
> temporary confusion for sure, but no more than when local stations swapped
> affiliates.  They could promote their channel numbers nationally, and even
> rename themselves like "Channel 4" in the UK.  It would give them a big
> advantage over all the cable networks which always find themselves in some
> forgettable position like channel 164.
> Mark

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