Mike Gallgher

Eli Polonsky elipolo@earthlink.net
Thu Jan 4 13:21:05 EST 2007

> > From: "Doug Drown" <revdoug1@verizon.net>
> To: "Cooper Fox" <fox893@yahoo.com>,
> <boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org>
> Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:55:12 -0500
> Subject: Re: Mike Gallgher
> This brings up a pet peeve of mine. Why do radio stations
> do delayed broadcasts of talk shows?  This makes no sense
> to me, given that the point of a talk show is interaction
> between the host and his/her listeners.

I think that talk radio has a MUCH larger audience who have
absolutely no intention of ever calling in and interacting
on the air than the amount of people who actually do.

I'd imagine that the majority of listeners are content to
be vicariously entertained by the interaction of the host
and callers other than themselves. The minority of vocal
people who actually call in are entertaining the silent
majority of passive listeners who prefer to stay on the
sidelines and just take it all in, and they get the same
value out of a show that's a few hours old as one that's
broadcast live in real time.

I'm guessing that if talk radio ratings were limited to
only the vocal people who may be likely to call in, the
whole format would have probably died decades ago.


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