weird news at Channel 7

Bill O'Neill
Mon Feb 27 10:19:47 EST 2006

Quoting rac <>:

> Is Channel 7's news on a new-age kick? <snip> Anyway, is this sort of news
coverage supposed to appeal to the extra viewers they gained from airing the
Winter Games?
> Puzzled,
> --RC

Extra viewers? And whenever any media outlet goes for the paranormal stuff it's
long ball ratings pining. 

Back at WJUL there was a woman who called herself a psychic, Gloria James. I
recall teching the show and witnessing this elder woman inhaling odd volumes of
water. And more water. Female caller: "Hi Gloria. What's up for my future?"
Gloria: "What do you think of abortion, honey?" It usually went downhill from
there. I guess I was hoping that Gloria's interrogatives were coincidental,
misplaced, Tourette's-like utterances. I guess the guest wasn't the only one
thirsting for something.  

Bill O'Neill

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