Market exclusivity, WTTT, and WNSH

Eli Polonsky
Tue Feb 7 11:53:47 EST 2006

> > From: "Dan Strassberg" <>
> To: "Bob Nelson" <>, "Larry Weil"
> <>,
>     <>
> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 06:37:41 -0500
> Subject: Re: Market exclusivity, WTTT, and WNSH
> Technically no. WTTT runs 5 kW day and night ...
> ... However, the night pattern is considerably more restrictive to
> the north and west than is the day pattern ...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob Nelson" <>
> To: "Larry Weil" <>; <>;
> <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 3:28 AM
> Subject: Re: Market exclusivity, WTTT, and WNSH
> > WTTT signal gets weaker after dark ...

If you're north of Boston as Bob is, I can see how it would seem
that WTTT gets weaker after dark, but as Dan said, it's all due
to directional antenna issues, and their signal in their prime
southeasterly direction from their Lexington transmitter toward
Boston is at least as strong as their day signal.

When I worked there as Greater Media's oldies 1150 WMEX in the
mid/late 80's, I used to field oldies requests at night from all
over the South Shore and even Cape Cod, but never anything at
night north of the Route 128 belt, and daytime listeners in the
North Shore, Merrimack Valley and outer Metro-West areas used to
call to complain that the signal used to become barely audible,
if not completely disappear from their radios, at sunset.

When Little Walter DeVenne used to do his "Time Machine" there
on Saturday nights, a couple of times he bellowed "So Long, New
Hampshire!" just before hitting the pattern change button.

There were a couple of times when someone would forget to change
the pattern and they would get calls from Maine at night (but,
never when I was working!)


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