Boston Globe Item on WERS LMA Proposal

A. Joseph Ross
Sun Apr 9 01:27:01 EDT 2006

On 8 Apr 2006 at 15:04, Brian Vita wrote:

> How about flipping chronic underperformer WBOS to classical.  Wasn't
> it classical a zillion years ago?  Anyone know the revenues of WBOS vs
> WCRB?  What about footprints?

It was never classical.  It was an eclectic "beautiful music" 
station, similar to Bob Bittner's WJIB.  Or, more accurately, similar 
to Bob Bittner's WJIB several years ago.  Bob has changed the mix on 
his station to more vocals and more adult standards.  WBOS, years 
ago, ran mostly pop instrumentals with occasional classics and 
occasional vocals.  

The format was called "Music Theatre," which originally began as an 
afternoon program on WBOS (AM) 1600, now WUNR.  It consisted of 
approx. 15-minute segments of uninterrupted music, with 5 minutes of 
news on the hour, brief headlines on the half-hour, and commercials 
on the quarter-hour.  At one point, they expanded Music Theatre on AM 
to most of the day and late evening, with the leased-time ethnic 
programs limited to 7 - 10 PM weekdays and all day Sunday.  When WBOS-
FM came on (February 1960, I believe), they simulcasted the AM during 
those times and ran Music Theatre separately while the AM did the 
other programs.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210                 Fax 617.742.7581
Boston, MA 02108-2503           

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