Tab article on Air America Radio

A. Joseph Ross
Sun Mar 27 22:45:58 EST 2005

On 27 Mar 2005 at 8:16, SteveOrdinetz wrote:

> Or maybe because she's a good journalist.  I miss the days when 
> journalists/talk hosts didn't let on what their own views were, or at
> the very least didn't let them dominate the show...maybe played
> devil's advocate with a hard-liner, but that's all.  

If so, she's the only good journalist (in that sense) on Fox News, which constantly slants its 
coverage to favor the Bush Administration's position.

> BTW, I never considered CNN to be particularly conservative (which
> seems to be what you're implying).

Not like Fox, but there's currently a bias on the part of most of the mainstream media to 
suck up to officials.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210       
Boston, MA 02108-2503           

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