Fybush: AAR to 1390 (Burl VT), country to 93.7

Matthew Osborne mattosborne1976@yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 21:58:42 EDT 2005

On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 07:42:53 SteveOrdinetz
<hykker@grolen.com> wrote, referring to the AM 1070
facility in Plattsburgh:
> Has this facility been allowed to deteriorate over
> the years?  I somehow 
> recall being able to hear them in southern Vt. back
> in the 60s/early 
> 70s.  Don't think I listened regularly, but was able
> to pick them up on a 
> table radio.

In all honesty I would not be surprised at all if
thats the case.  When I was in college at Plattsburgh,
I remember it sounding like it was run on a shoestring
budget.  And given that its only a daytimer, I can't
believe that place would get any significant amount of
listeners (if any at all), much less actually turn a
profit in this day and age.  With that in mind, it
would only make logical sense to me that its
facilities have been allowed to deteriorate over the
years.  Furthermore, and Scott Fybush would have to
verify this because I have never actually seen their
tower and studios, I understand that station is run
out of an old beat up trailer somewhere on a back road
in the town of Peru (south of Plattsburgh).  From what
I've heard, taking one look at the facilities they
have and use would lead one to believe that the place
has not seen any real maintenance in many many years.

                                    Matt Osborne
                                    Schenectady, NY

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