Ratings question

Garrett Wollman wollman@khavrinen.lcs.mit.edu
Sat Apr 2 21:16:06 EST 2005

<<On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 05:36:36 -0700, "Sid Schweiger" <sid@wrko.com> said:

> Ratings services don't call, and haven't for over 30 years.  Hooper, the
> last ratings service to use the "telephone-coincidental" technique,
> closed up shop decades ago.

As recently as ten years ago, Strategic Radio Research's AccuRatings
service used call-out interviews to gather all of their data.  (I was
surveyed by them once, around 1996.)  The company also did lots of
other outbound telemarketing, and went bankrupt in 2001.  Their
product was unique in that they asked respondents for ranked station
preferences for the current period and also for six months prior.


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