Ratings question

DonKelley@aol.com DonKelley@aol.com
Sat Apr 2 12:31:26 EST 2005

It all depends on the entry.  If a diarykeeper just writes Air America with 
no frequency, call letters, or indication of AM or FM it goes to ascription as 
I described earlier.  If the diarykeeper has entered WKOX or WXKS or 1200 or 
1430 elsewhere in the diary it would all go to that station.  If they entered 
some combinatiopn of both it would go to ascription.

If a diarykeeper writes Satellite Radio and nothing else the listening goes 
to no one.  If they
write something like "60's on 6" it goes to SAT-XM.   If they write "Elvis 
Channel" it goes to SAT-SR.  In fact, any XM or Sirius channel is listed as one 
radio station.  Even if you write down 120 of them.   

There's no place in the diary to indicate internet listening.  Say someone 
writes down "106.7 on my computer."  Arbitron will look for other entries in 
that diary that indicate listening to the 106.7 in the Boston Metro.  If there 
isn't, Arbitron has no way of knowing  whether the diarykeeper was listening to 
106.7 in New York, DC, or anywhere else.  The listening then goes to "U" - 
uncredited listening.  

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