V-Soft.com Now Working (Sort Of)

Laurence Glavin lglavin@lycos.com
Sun Nov 28 16:01:00 EST 2004

Yesterday I mentioned that v-soft.com, a site that allegedly 
displays receivable radio stations' signal strength once you supply the zip
cose wasn't working.  Today, it's up and running, BUT some of the data 
are V-E-R-Y questionable.  As I mentioned before, it assumes that
the only WLLH on the air is the one in Lowell, so it lists 1400
as about 36th in signal strength.  But, it places such non-receivable
AM's as 890 in Dedham;  990 in Greenville, RI; and 1120 in Concord,
MA ahead of the WLLH Lowell signal!  Duh.  On another occasion,
at another site, I used V-Soft.com to measure the apparent signal
of a rim-shot FM near Indianapolis.  Upon further review of its 
efficacy in Methuen, MA,  I must question its utility period.

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