Air America

Joseph Pappalardo
Mon Nov 8 03:00:21 EST 2004

> >Fair, meaning....count them over and over again, and change the criteria
> >counting, until our guy wins.
> Not exactly.  Many reputable sources, both moderate Republican and left
> wing Democrat, have acknowledged that there were voter irregularities in
> Florida in 2000-- a government commission even stated that, so it's public
> record.  There absolutely were problems with the vote...

There are problems with *every* election.  That's public record.

But the votes were counted 3 times in the accepted manner we count votes (by
machine).  And the 'problems' were dealt with with the legal/lawful methods
we have in place to deal with them.

Again, the answer seems to be "change the way you count the votes"...and
"change the method so that our candidate will win."  Or..."lets keep
counting them over and over again until our man wins".

And if there were so many disenfranchised voters in Florida, they certainly
didn't show it this time.  Bush got a higher percentage of Florida this time
than before.

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