Air America

Donna Halper
Fri Nov 5 15:01:08 EST 2004

First, the usual humble request:  let's not turn this into a referendum on 
whether the election results were good or bad.  I know many members on the 
list have strong views (myself among them).  But this is a RADIO question:

How do you think the election results will affect Air America?  I believe 
the fledgeling network was on too few stations, most of which had weak 
signals, to make much of a difference in the recent elections.  But given 
that 9 of the top 10 radio talk shows are done by conservatives, do you 
foresee some growth for Air America now as the "loyal opposition"?  Like it 
or not, this was a very polarizing campaign and the end result was still 
fairly close-- 51 to 49% I believe.  Can Air America be the voice of that 
49% and be successful, or as in the past, do you expect so-called liberal 
talk shows to fail? 

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