Accepting the Nomination

A. Joseph Ross
Tue May 25 22:12:36 EDT 2004

On 25 May 2004 at 18:43, Dan Billings wrote:

> I wasn't debating that, just pointing out that I thought there was no
> reason for the media to focus on the history that you suggested in the
> context of this story.

But there is reason, if only to put the discussion in context.
> The Democrats actually picked the early date because Gore was out of money
> in the spring of 2000 so when the date was set they were hoping to avoid
> that happening this year.

Probably more likely they picked the date because since 1964, the party out of power has 
held its convention in July, and the party in power has held its convention in August.  Before 
that, in 1956 and 1960, both conventions were held in July, but the party out of power still 
had their convention first.   I'm not sure why, but that's been the long-standing custom.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210       
Boston, MA 02108-2503           

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