WWZN / Celtics - Bill Griffith Column

Hakim Madjid hmadjid@yahoo.com
Wed Jun 2 13:34:02 EDT 2004

--- DonKelley@aol.com wrote:
> Why did the Celtics sell WEEI?  They realized that
> they're not broadcasters and didn't know how to run
> a radio station.

But they could have hired people who *DO* know how to
run a station. The same goes if they do it nowadays.
> The problems are threefold: 
> 1) Basketball is not a good radio sport.  Neither is
> hockey.  There are not enough natural pauses for
> descrpitive surposes.  Baseball and football are
> excellent radio sports.
> 2)  The Celtics ain't what they used to be.  The
> team that sold out 500 straight games at the Garden
> is a memory.

Agreed. Then again, if the Celtics build up a dynasty
again similar to that of the Auerbach / Bill Russell
era, I would think it would be a quite lucrative for
which ever station has the rights.

> 3)  No matter what you put on 1510AM it won't do
> well.  Awful signal, and it's on the wrong end of
> the wrong band.  As Bruce Springsteen said in My
> Hometown..."seems like there ain't nobody wants to
> go down here no more."

Yea I agree, that's why I posted to the list that I
thought if the Cs buy any station, it should be
something like WTKK - that might viable as a second
sports talker, provided that some decent on-air talent
gets hired on. 

Then again, with enough promotion, perhaps 1510 could
work. As I and others have pointed out it would take
major spending like flying a blimp over Fenway with
1510 logos on it and stuff. Something like that.

73, de Hakim (N1ZFF)

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