FCC...making sense?

Daniel Billings billings@suscom-maine.net
Mon Aug 30 20:09:09 EDT 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill O'Neill" <billo@shoreham.net>
To: "'Daniel Billings'" <billings@suscom-maine.net>; "'Boston Radio Interest
(E-mail)'" <boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 8:04 PM
Subject: RE: FCC...making sense?

> I'm a free marketer, too, but I struggle with the chicken/egg.  Ratings as
> clear reflection of what the market wants? If you offer the customer three
> of soup and then "rate" those three types, we can't then extrapolate those
> results to infer that the public has spoken.

If people really wanted public affairs, the ratings would spike on cable
when cable shows something that is not available on the networks.  It is
there if people want it.  Other than the few without cable, what is the
excuse to force it on people?

By the way -- PBS is broadcasting the convention each evening.  Why does it
need to be on everywhere?

-- Dan Billings, Bowdoinham, Maine

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