Local WDEA-1370 off air

Rod O'Connor rjoc@webtv.net
Mon Aug 23 09:22:22 EDT 2004

Local Ellsworth station WDEA-1370 has been off the air for the past
several days. At first I thought it may have been due to a lightning
strike during this past weekend's severe T-storms that hit much of
DownEast Maine (And rest of New England). When I didn't hear Rick
Foster's local morning show this morning, I knew something must be

I made a call to the Cumulus Offices in Brewer, and spoke to their
receptionist, who advises that the station has had problems and will be
off the air pending arrival of replacement equipment and parts.

I actually miss the station, and especailly enjoy listening to the
RedSox while outside and away from NESN.. ((and now that they're on a
winning streak!!))

BTW.. WFEA-1370 Manchester is coming in surprisigly well with WDEA off
air. Isn't WFEA directional to the north??

Rod O'Connor
Southwest Harbor, Maine

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