Twisted Tease...or, Wizard of Awes

Rod O'Connor
Mon Aug 23 07:59:59 EDT 2004

Equally strange; this past Friday the NWS in Gray, Maine issued a
Tornado Warning for York County, in Southern Maine..and it was for
real!!! A funnel cloud was observed near the Sanford Airport at 3:55PM
on Friday.  Although the funnel never touched the ground, it certainly
gathered a lot of attention. There were several associated severe
thunderstorms in the area that caused considerable damage in the
Kennebunk area, including injuring a woman talking on her phone.

I don't know what, if any, local stations in the Portsmouth/Sanford area
generated their EAS alerts for this storm. I do know that Maine Public
Radio, as the lead EAS station for the entire state, was issuing
numerous alerts throughout the day for severe thunderstorms, although I
did not hear the tornado warnig myself.

Rod O'Connor
Southwest Harbor, Maine.

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