TV news tickers

A. Joseph Ross
Tue Aug 17 00:40:57 EDT 2004

Last night a memory occurred to me, and I wonder if anyone (Donna, maybe?) can 
remember any more details.

It seems to me that back when my parents bought our first TV set, in late 1949, we 
occasionally saw the news on television in the form of a moving ticker on the bottom of the 
screen (obviously, it was something mechanical, not the computer graphics of today), with 
background music playing and, probably, a visual ad on the rest of the screen.  I think this 
was probably local, not a network thing.

Of course, I couldn't read at the time, and I wasn't quite sure what "news" was, but I knew 
that it was something that was important to grownups, and I caught enough of their 
conversation to know that this was what the moving ticker was.

Exactly why this popped into my head, after all these years, last night at bedtime, I don't 
know, but there it is.

A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                           617.367.0468
 15 Court Square, Suite 210       
Boston, MA 02108-2503           

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